
Every small business represents great passion on the part of the business owner, as well as a significant financial investment. Whether you’ve had to put up a new building, purchase manufacturing equipment, or invest in extensive renovations, a sudden disaster can wipe out a significant portion of your business's value. Mutual Underwriters, one of Hawaii's leading insurance companies, urges all business owners to purchase enough property insurance to protect all their investments.

Here are a few things everyone should understand about property insurance:

  • It Covers A Variety Of Assets: Many business owners whose companies don't own real estate or expensive equipment assume they won't need property insurance coverage, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, property insurance covers a wide variety of assets, including everything from fine art to accounts receivable. If your business depends on merchandise, your property insurance policy will protect those investments, as well.
  • property insuranceVarious Levels Of Coverage Are Available: Most carriers offer a variety of insurance options, each with different levels of coverage. Broad coverage, for example, covers damages resulting from a fixed number of threats, including fire, breaking glass, and water damage. Special form coverage, on the other hand, offers protection against other risks not specifically excluded.
  • Even Renters Need Property Insurance: Even if you rent your property, you'll still want property insurance to protect the belongings inside it. For example, you've probably invested a significant amount of money into your furniture, computer equipment, and merchandise displays, all of which could be destroyed in one serious storm.

Over the years, business owners throughout the state of Hawaii have come to rely on Mutual Underwriters for a variety of business and property insurance policies. To learn more about their reputation for providing excellent service, call their main office in Honolulu at (808) 532-2888. To find your nearest location, just visit their website today.
