
If you sustain an injury while trying to achieve or maintain a high standard of physical fitness, an extended recovery period can derail all of your progress. At Associates in Orthopedic & Sports Medicine in Dalton and Calhoun, GA, their professional team specializes in treating common sports injuries as quickly and effectively as possible. If you’re looking for a physical therapy clinic that provides sports injury rehab or post-surgery care, they will take care of you.

3 Common Sports Injuries Treated At A Physical Therapy Clinic

1. Shin Splints

Physical therapy clinicShin splints are often the result of stress fractures that cause shooting pain up and down your shins when walking or running. It is common for runners to suffer from this injury, as well as individuals who increase the intensity of their workouts too quickly. If a stress fracture is causing your shin splints, you can treat them much faster with the help of a physical therapist than simply by staying home and icing your shins.

2. Sciatica

Failing to stretch before a rigorous workout can result in sciatica, which manifests in painful symptoms along one side of the lower back. Shooting pain running down one leg is also common, as is a prickling sensation. A physical therapist may treat sciatica with stretching and strengthening exercises, chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture, or massage therapy. Your health care provider may also recommend low-impact aerobic exercise to aid in your recovery.

3. Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury and a form of tendonitis. The most common symptoms of tendon inflammation include pain in the arm and elbow. Icing the elbow and using a strap can ease the pain, but your physical therapist will expertly treat the condition by strengthening the muscles surrounding the affected tendons.

If you’re suffering from a sports injury and want to recover as quickly as you can, turn to Associates in Orthopedic & Sports Medicine in Dalton, GA. Visit their website to learn more about this physical therapy clinic, and call (706) 226-5533 to make an appointment today.
