
As you’re preparing your home for winter, A Precision Auto Glass in Daphne, AL, reminds you to winterize your vehicle as well. By taking your car to an auto glass repair shop and asking them to fix any cracks, you can prevent your window from shattering while on the road this holiday season.

Aside from repairing your windows, the auto glass repair team at A Precision Auto Glass offers the following tips for preparing your windshield for winter:

  • Apply A Windshield Cover: If you’re planning on keeping your car parked for an extended amount of time, purchase a protective windshield cover from your local auto parts store. This shield will provide an extra layer of insulation against freezing temperatures. 
  • auto glass repairUse An Ice-Prevention Solution: You’ve probably heard of products you can spray on your windshield to remove ice and snow, but did you know NASA invented a solution that prevents ice from forming in the first place? Pick up a can of IceFree and apply it to your auto glass before the first frost.
  • Test Your Defroster: Your car’s heating and cooling system is there for more than just comfort. Make sure your defroster is working so you can keep your windshield free of frost and maintain visibility on the road.
  • Know How To Remove Ice & Snow: The best way to avoid a trip to an auto glass repair shop this winter is to refrain from using hot water on a frozen windshield. While it may melt the ice quickly, it can also cause the glass to crack.

Knowing how to prevent damage to your windshield can simplify your entire holiday season. For more advice on auto glass repair, call A Precision Auto Glass at (251) 621-1500, or visit the website to learn more about their 30 years of trusted service.
