
With the upcoming holidays and winter vacation, now is the opportune time to evaluate your home and ensure it’s well protected from intruders. Ohio’s A-Tri-County Lock has some helpful advice on how to safeguard your belongings and your loved ones against home invasion.

In today’s world, there is no price you can place on the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your residential property is safe and sound. Here are a few tips on how to keep your home secure from the area’s best locksmiths:

  • Trim Outdoor Foliage: Keep the bushes, trees, and other plants around your home neatly groomed. Burglars may use overgrown foliage to camouflage their entry into your home, so clear your windows and doors of any excess greenery.
  • locksmithUse Security Lighting: Install motion-activated lights near all major entryways and windows of your home. Not only will these lights alert you to the possibility of an intruder on your property, but they may also catch robbers off guard and scare them away from your home.
  • Conceal Valuables: Above all else, do not leave any of your valuable belongings in plain sight. Close your blinds and curtains to conceal any TVs, computers, media players, and other high-ticket items you may have.

Proudly serving the Akron, Canton, and Cleveland areas of Ohio, A-Tri-County Lock provides expert locksmith and rekeying services. With these tips in mind and brand new locks on your doors, you can feel safe and secure in your home. Give these experts a call at (330) 928-6222 today to speak with a customer service representative about hiring a locksmith, and visit them online to find out more information about their residential services.
