
Child support issues can be tricky to navigate, and you want to do your best to ensure your child has all the resources they need to grow and thrive. Family court lawyer Stephanie Payne and her team at Payne Law Office serve clients throughout the Lincoln, NE, area. Below, this family law office discusses three instances that may warrant an adjustment in child support and a return to family court.

3 Instances That May Warrant An Adjustment In Child Support

1. Your Child's Needs Have Changed

Every child has unique needs that parents are required to meet. When those needs change, as they often do with growing children, it may be necessary to return to court to renegotiate child support payments. If, for example, a child becomes seriously ill or disabled, this would likely call for child support agreements to be altered so the child can have the care, treatment, and support they require.

2. A Parent's Income Has Changed

Family Law OfficeIf either you or your ex-spouse has experienced significant changes in your income, an amendment to child support arrangements might be in order. This could include a spouse losing their job, becoming ill and unable to work, or being demoted to a lesser-paying position. Alternately, it could also include a spouse winning the lottery, gaining a substantial gambling sum, or receiving an inheritance.

3. State Child Support Guidelines Are Changed

Every few years, most states revisit their child support guidelines to ensure those parameters keep up with the ever-increasing cost of living. This means that child support amounts may need to be changed to reflect any large spikes in the costs associated with everyday life. A few dollars here or there will likely make little difference, but a major cost-of-living change may warrant a call to court to adjust child support payments. Your family law office will help you understand any changes in the law that may need your attention.

Contact Payne Law Office to be connected with a trusted family court lawyer. You can also reach this local family law office by phone at (402) 477-7246, via their website, or on Facebook and Twitter. Let Attorney Payne and her staff help you find solutions to the child support challenges you're facing.
