
If concrete plays a key role in the foundation of your home or building, waterproofing it can save you a lot of money in the long run. With help from a contractor who specializes in this type of work, you’ll avoid the costs associated with water damage, mold buildup, and related problems.

You might not live in a region that’s prone to flooding. As such, you may believe waterproofing your concrete would be a waste of money. However, this is not the case. When it comes to water damage, major flooding isn’t the only issue you need to be concerned about.

The truth is, soil is naturally moist, and it surrounds the concrete foundation of your building. As such, it can seep into the cracks in your concrete. Eventually, that moisture will work its way into the building if left unaddressed, which can result in a wide range of problems. Mold, for example, thrives in moist environments. Many people also happen to be allergic to it, making it a significant health risk. Unfortunately, mold remediation can be expensive.

waterproofingThat said, there are potential issues you could face that are even more significant. During winter, water can enter into cracks in rocks or the ground. When it freezes, it expands, pushing the rock or soil away from it. When it melts, the rock and soil collapse back down. This can happen to your concrete over the course of the winter. Water enters smaller cracks, freezes, expands, and leaves you with bigger cracks come spring. Eventually, your building’s foundation might even be deemed unsafe.

It’s the type of serious problem that can be easily avoided. By getting in touch with a contractor with experience in waterproofing concrete, you can save yourself a lot of headaches in the future.

Looking to waterproof your concrete foundation? Want to add decorative concrete to your property? Get in touch with the professionals at Central Pacific Specialty Contractors, serving clients throughout Oahu, Hawaii. Visit them online to learn more, or call (808) 262-2527. You can also find the company on Facebook.
