
Figuring out how much child support to seek can be a tricky undertaking, and there are many factors that should be taken into consideration. In order to find the amount most appropriate for your situation, it's wise to have some information on hand to better demonstrate your family's needs. Below is a list of the five parts of child support calculations that can help you better determine a child support amount.

The Five Parts Of Child Support Calculations

1. Income & Taxes

When figuring out child support, you should know exact income amounts for both yourself and your ex-partner. You should also be aware of any tax obligations either of you have. These are crucial elements to determining the right amount of child support for your family.

2. Child Support Needs

Child support needs are those expenses associated with the everyday care of your children. This includes costs of daycare, babysitters, or nannies. It also includes costs related to children's health insurance premiums.

3. Standard Of Living

child supportEvery family has a standard of living they are accustomed to, and no child should have to go without because a divorce has taken place. There is a standard of living adjustment (SOLA) parents must include in their child support calculations. More information on Hawaii's SOLAs are available on this PDF.

4. Child Support Obligations & Credit

After you have access to the above information, you are ready to calculate the final amounts of child support. Enter the figures in the appropriate spaces on the child support worksheet, and you will come up with a number that should match your need and the details of your situation.

5. Summary Of Child Support Payments

In the final step of the process, you will receive a summary of child support payments. The total for each child, as well as the overall total, will be outlined. This summation will include which parent pays how much in support and how often it is to be paid.

If you live in the Honolulu, Hawaii, area and are in need of skilled, experienced family law attorneys, trust Everett Cuskaden & Associates, ALC. Call (808) 545-1331 to schedule a consultation—they also have many informative videos on their YouTube channel. Be sure to check out the child support calculator on Everett Cuskaden & Associates' website to start determining how much child support to pursue.
