
What are your reasons your child needs tutoring? It is important to identify your goals before selecting a tutor. Here are some of the common reason parents seek tutoring.

Remedial Tutoring

This tutoring focuses on overcoming learning obstacles and filling gaps. This includes reviewing conceptual knowledge in specific subjects, and building and strengthening skills. Math, reading, writing, and foreign languages often build on previous coursework and this type of tutoring can help students to fill in gaps and to overcome obstacles they’re having issues with.

Subject Tutoring

Academic Subject Tutors help students develop conceptual understanding of subjects that they are learning. Tutoring includes direct teaching and practice to help the student build and acquire the skills and knowledge they need. Students are guided as they complete homework assignments and prepare for tests.

Study Skills Tutoring

Support is provided to teach students fundamental skills and strategies to help them with studying and with building self-confidence and motivation. Tutoring also fosters independent learning and understanding of new academic responsibilities. Additionally, depending on the student’s needs, tutoring can focus on organization, time management, note taking, outlining, test preparation, and test taking skills.

Enrichment Tutoring

Tutoring can focus on accelerating skill development, advancing conceptual understanding or encouraging a particular interest or passion with various creative projects.

Test Prep Tutoring

Tutoring is provided to help students be more prepared and confident for the SAT and ACT tests. Key elements of the test(s) are reviewed. Instruction is provided including:

Strategies for handling each type of question
Test taking skills and time management
Building skills in math, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing
Next Steps for Preparing to Select Your Child’s Tutor

After you have determined your goals for tutoring it is important to have the following information available to provide to prospective tutors to help facilitate the selection process. This includes:

What are your child’s interests?
How is your child motivated to learn?
What is your child’s learning style?
What are your child’s strengths and weaknesses?
How is your child’s memory?
Are there work samples available?
Are there assessments or standardized tests available for the tutor?
Does your child have learning issues or any vision, hearing, or medical concerns?

Once you have determined your child’s tutoring goals and gathered the information it is then time to select your child’s tutor. We will review important criteria and questions to ask in Part 2 of Selecting a Tutor for Your Child.

For more information about how Study Wizards tutoring can help your child be more successful: Call Us: (408) 883-8660 or Visit Us at Our Website
