
What is DNA relationship testing? This practice determines whether biological links between family members are legitimate. This test can be performed between various degrees of relationships including siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles. The more closely related two people are, the more likely it is that some of their genetic markers will be similar. Whether you have been asked to provide a paternity test or are looking for a long-lost relative, DNA relationship testing will give you answers. AccuDNA in St. Louis, MO, provides confidential paternity testing and legal DNA testing you can trust.

What Can DNA Relationship Testing Tell You?

dna relationship testingDNA relationship testing can help an adopted person determine whether they are related to their presumed birth family. If the birth father is not available for a paternity test, a sibling can confirm the relationship. This form of testing can also determine who a person’s biological father is in cases where the biological father is ambiguous. If one of the presumed fathers is not available for paternity testing, a paternal grandparent can be tested instead. This is commonly used to determine familial relationships in court cases involving adoption and single-parent families in need of child support.

DNA relationship testing is easy. All you need to do is take a cheek sample and submit it to AccuDNA for testing. AccuDNA in St. Louis, MO, is locally owned and operated, accurate, affordable, and confidential. If you live in the area, call (314) 845-9997 to make an appointment or visit them online today.
