
If you want to keep your family warm, comfortable, and safe all winter long, keeping your furnace in check is very important. Today, the experts from J.J. Smith Heating & Cooling in Cincinnati, OH, will explain the electric and gas furnace safety tips you need to know to remain protected in the colder months ahead.

As long as they are properly maintained, furnaces are safe and reliable. Here’s how to ensure they stay that way:

  • gas furnace repairCheck Your Carbon Monoxide Detector: Many people know carbon monoxide as the “silent killer,” and for good reason. If your gas furnace happens to leak carbon monoxide, your family’s lives may be at risk. Replace the batteries in all your carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they’re functioning properly.
  • Test Your Smoke Alarms: Malfunctioning electric or gas furnaces can also lead to fires. As a safety precaution, test all your smoke alarms and change their batteries.
  • Clear The Area Around Your Furnace: Keeping the area around your furnace clear will lower the risk of a fire. Keep flammable products as far away from it as possible. 
  • Change Your Air Filter: Dirt and debris in your air filter can restrict airflow to your furnace, potentially causing a carbon monoxide leak. A dirty filter can also be detrimental to the efficiency and function of your furnace in general. This winter, make sure you inspect and change your filter.
  • Schedule A Checkup: You should have your electric or gas furnace inspected at least once a year. If you haven’t done so already, winter is the perfect time to make sure everything is running safely and well. A professional inspector can assess inefficiencies and potential safety hazards, as well as make any necessary furnace repairs.

To keep your electric or gas furnace running safely and effectively all winter long, call J.J. Smith Heating & Cooling at (513) 231-1156. For more information about the trusted heating contractor or their service areas, which include Anderson Township, Union Township, and Pierce Township, visit their website
