
Although you may be embarrassed by your cracked or chipped teeth, leaving damaged teeth untreated can become more than just an eyesore — it can negatively affect your oral health. According to the dentists at Kaimuki Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, putting off restorative dentistry treatments will only make the problem grow worse, eventually resulting in a painful infection or causing you to spend more money in the long run on expensive dental treatments.

If you are unsure about the need for restorative dentistry, here are a few signs to keep an eye out for.


One of the first signs indicating something is wrong with your teeth is an increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods. There are several dental problems that can cause tooth sensitivity, including pulp irritation caused by enamel erosion, gum recession that leaves your roots exposed, and tooth decay or worn fillings. Restorative dentistry treatments for sensitivity could be as simple as adding or restoring fillings, or it could require a more complicated procedure like a gum graft.


restorative dentistryA toothache can be a symptom of several dental problems, including an infection, decay, or injury. All of these issues can cause the pulp to become inflamed, leading to pain when chewing or a more persistent irritation that causes the pain to radiate up into the cheek and along the jaw. Severe pain is most often a sign of an infection, and a root canal will likely be necessary to remove the infection from the area.


Teeth that have visible damage from either decay or an injury can lead to sensitivity and pain if not corrected. To prevent further damage from accruing on chipped or cracked teeth, or to strengthen a tooth when a filling can’t replace enough of it, dentists will often add a dental crown over these teeth. When a tooth has been lost, your dentist may recommend dental implants to restore the area.

If you are currently living with these or other dental issues, contact Kaimuki Dental Group about the restorative dentistry procedures they offer. Schedule your appointment by calling (808) 737-7905. You can also visit the dental office online to learn more about their services, including fillings, root canals, and dental crowns, and find them on Facebook.
