
As the weather continues to get colder, it’s important that your furnace works correctly to keep you and your family warm during the winter months. If it isn’t working properly, calling a furnace repair specialist will get your heating system back on track. Based in Stonington, CT, Duncklee Cooling & Heating is known as the region’s top HVAC company. Whether you need an expert to look at your heat pump or gas furnace, the professionals will handle all of your heating needs. 

Learning what signs to look out for will keep you on the alert for when you need a furnace repair. Duncklee Cooling & Heating explain three common symptoms of a problem. Furnace

  • Faulty Thermostat: The job of your furnace is to circulate heat in your home, so there’s a significant problem if your thermostat isn’t responding. In the event you keep trying to crank up the heat but your home is still cold, it's a good idea to have experts check the thermostat for problems.
  • Noises: Every once in a while, it’s worth paying extra attention to what noises your furnace is producing. If it’s only a low hum, you don’t have anything to worry about. On the other hand, clanks, bangs, and grinding sounds all indicate that there’s an internal issue.
  • Breathing Problems: Since your furnace is responsible for pumping air through your home, it is often the culprit if there is a spike in problems like asthma and allergies among your family. In the event your loved ones are suffering from unexplained breathing problems, it’s wise to have HVAC experts inspect your furnace’s filters for signs of mold and dust. 

With a furnace repair from Duncklee Cooling & Heating, you’ll be sure to stay warm and have a much more pleasant winter. Feel free to reach out to the talented crew by calling (860) 535-2552. You can also learn more about the company by visiting their website
