
In addition to drinking water, we also use it for cooking, bathing, and household cleaning. However, unenforced environmental regulations have contributed to the contamination of most water supplies in the country. King’s Pump and Technical Service, a well water service company in Glennville, GA, recommends that all homes install a water filtration system. Here is a list of reasons why the technicians at King’s Pump and Technical Service recommend that you have your water filtered.

  • water filtrationUnregulated Water Supplies: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates tap water in most municipalities, but there is much discussion about the leniency of some of these limits. Some of the limits are set rather high, and water utilities just graze the margin of these limits. Additionally, it is estimated that there are up to 300 chemicals that go unregulated, despite their potential danger. If properly used, water filtration systems can help minimize your exposure to these chemicals.
  • Water Treatment Byproducts: Ironically, one of the main contaminants of tap water is byproducts from the water treatment facilities themselves. Chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride are used to clean water before it enters your tap. However, trace amounts of these chemicals make it into your drinking water, potentially causing health problems.
  • Lead Exposure: If the pipes in your home or municipal water supply are older, they may be made of lead or contain small amounts of lead. This can make its way into your drinking water, which is a serious danger, as lead poisoning can cause brain damage and developmental delays in children. A water filtration system will help protect you and your family’s health.

If you are interested in installing a water filtration system in your home, call (912) 654-0149. To utilize another water service from King’s Pump and Technical Service, including deep well installation, residential irrigation, automatic sprinklers, visit their website today.
