
The Sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in the human body. It runs from the lower back, down the back of each leg, to the toes.

Sciatica is mild to excruciating lower back pain as a result of the sciatic nerve being squeezed or compressed. When there is injury or pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause lower back pain, numbness, tingling, weakness that radiates to the hip, buttocks, and down the leg to the feet.

Best proven treatment

Review 1
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Review 2
I have to share what The Miracle Massage has done for me.  
I am in my 40's and live an active lifestyle and have always been in excellent health; however, In July of 2012, I was not able to get out of bed. I experienced back pain in my lower back to the extreme that I could not even shift position in bed without intense pain.  I had passed out several different times due to the level of pain I was experiencing and could not get out of bed without assistance and even with assistance I would cry out in pain. I was not able to pick up my left leg.  When I would attempt to walk, I would have to drag my leg behind me. My husband took me to the grocery store and I had to use the motorized cart. By the time I walked from the curb to the carts I was sick to my stomach from the pain.  My blood pressure was 190 over 120. I went to an Orthopedic specialist who placed me on high level of pain meds and muscle relaxers.  An MRI revealed a bulging disk.  I had not injured my back to my knowledge...I just woke up one morning with these extreme symptoms. After several weeks on pain meds, I went to The Miracle of Massage for help. After almost 2 hours of intense massage directed to the area of pain, I was able to get up from the massage table pain free.  I have not experienced any of the above symptoms since. I immediately stopped the muscle relaxers and pain meds and was able to pick up my leg and WALK without pain! This is my true story and I hope that you will try The Miracle of Massage as I did so you can share your story with others too! 
~ written by Rebecca Greene
