
Can you recall the last time you saw your primary care physician for a medical checkup? If not, that’s one way to tell you’re definitely due for a visit! The caring team at PrimaryPlus, a family health care provider in Ashland, KY, believes that preventative care is a patient’s best strategy for maintaining lifelong wellness. As such, they want to help make sure that their patients are coming in for checkups regularly.

With that said, there is no “one size fits all” answer to how often a patient should visit a doctor. The frequency of medical checkups can vary depending on a number of factors, including age, family history, and existing medical conditions.

Medical CheckupConsider, for instance, that during their first year, a baby might see a doctor nine times. Pregnant women need to see their OB/GYN regularly to monitor both their health and that of their unborn child. Patients with existing conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or other health concerns, could require visits for blood work and other tests every couple of months.

The simplest answer is this: unless you’ve been directed by your physician to come in more frequently because of a specific condition, for most adults, the rule of thumb is to get a medical checkup at least once per year. Annual physicals could help detect potentially serious medical conditions early on, and for many diseases, early detection saves lives.

PrimaryPlus offers medical services for the whole family, and they are staffed with family doctors, OB/GYNs, and pharmacists. If you live in the areas of Northeastern Kentucky or Southern Ohio, you can schedule medical checkups for the whole family at PrimaryPlus by calling (606) 324-0128. Or, visit the practice online to learn more about their comprehensive services.
