
Regular teeth cleanings are key to a strong, healthy smile for life. By eliminating built-up plaque and tartar that you can’t reach at home, your dentist will help you prevent cavities, tooth loss, and gum disease. Today, the friendly team of Eric J. Hartzell DMD in High Point, NC, will explain how teeth cleanings also help prevent gum recession.

Receding gums can be painful and dangerous. This condition can arise due to many factors—including overzealous brushing or flossing, genetics, abnormal tooth alignment, or teeth grinding. It also may occur because of poor oral health that leads to gum disease. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is caused by bacteria buildup in your mouth that leads to plaque and the development of tartar. This plaque releases acid that erodes the teeth and gums. If gum recession continues to advance, you can eventually lose your teeth.

teeth cleaningDon’t fear, though—by taking care of your teeth and gums today, you can prevent gum recession from beginning or combat the early stages. At your routine teeth cleaning, your dentist will check the health of your gum pockets for signs of recession and periodontal disease. Your dentist will also use special tools to remove the plaque and tartar that you can’t tackle with just a toothbrush and floss. By addressing the earliest signs of gum recession, the issue can be remedied before it leads to problems like tooth loss. If gum recession advances to a certain degree, your dentist may recommend a gum grafting procedure to restore your oral health.

To avoid a host of potential complications down the road, brush, floss, and visit your local dentist for a teeth cleaning every six months. If you’re looking for a quality family dentistry with service to High Point and Greensboro, NC, visit the caring professionals at the practice of Eric J. Hartzell DMD. Schedule an appointment today by calling (336) 886-8776, or visit the website to learn more. 
