
It's not hard to understand why a homeowner would invest in homeowners insurance—after all, their biggest investment is on the line. However, if you rent a property, it’s just as important to talk with insurance companies and ensure your residence and belongings are covered in the event of a burglary or accident. BestRate Auto Insurance of Statesboro, GA, has the expertise to help you choose the ideal renters insurance policy for your needs.

Here are three reasons why you absolutely must have renters insurance:

  • It Covers Your Personal Belongings: Although your landlord is responsible for your apartment building as a whole, they’re not responsible for your personal belongings. If something gets stolen or damaged in a fire, you’ll need a personal renters insurance policy to cover prized possessions such as furniture, clothing, electronics, and jewelry.
  • renters insuranceIt Covers Injuries & Other Property: Like homeowners insurance, renters insurance also includes liability. This means guests in your rented home are covered if they get hurt or damage someone else's neighboring property. You can also check with insurance companies about obtaining additional liability coverage through a personal umbrella policy (PUP).
  • It Covers Living Expenses: If there is a fire, flood, infestation, or structural damage to your rental property, and you have to find temporary lodging while the issue is fixed, renters insurance could pay for some of your living expenses—such as hotel bills and the cost of food.

Renters and homeowners insurance policies will afford you the protection you need to live with peace of mind. To get the best possible rate, call multiple companies to find the coverage plan that best suits you. Want to receive a quick quote for your situation? Call BestRate Auto Insurance in Statesboro at (912) 489-5942, or visit their website to learn more about their available insurance policies.
