
If your leather jacket is your pride and joy, it can be disheartening to discover that some of the color has faded. The good news is that the jacket can usually be renewed with a leather repair service from a tailor. The experts at 6 Avenue Tailor in New York, NY, have over 30 years of experience performing repairs and alterations and can make your leather jacket look as good as new.

leather repairIt’s not uncommon for a leather jacket to lose some of its color over time. It tends to occur along the sleeves and shoulders, and you might notice it at the seams and near the pockets, too. The best course of action is to call a tailor and request an appointment for a leather repair service.

If you’re in a rush, though, you can attempt a do-it-yourself repair using a few basic supplies. You’ll need black leather aniline dye, which is appropriate to use on aniline leather (which is typically used to construct clothes and accessories). If you aren’t sure about the type of leather you have, run a fingernail over the surface of the leather. Does it look a little lighter? It’s probably aniline leather.

Use a leather cleaner to spot-clean the affected area. This is important because a spotless surface will allow the dye to better conform to the jacket. Wipe off any residue with a dry paper towel. Slip on a pair of rubber gloves and use a sponge to apply the dye directly to the affected area. You can apply two coats if needed.

Allow the dye to dry completely. Inspect the area—does it look like it needs another coat? If so, you can apply a third to achieve a darker black finish. Spray a leather protectant product on top to prevent the dye from fading.

In most situations, a tailor is your best bet for a leather repair project. The professionals at 6 Avenue Tailor owned a leather company—they know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to your leather jacket! If you need some assistance with tailored clothing or alterations, get in touch with 6 Avenue Tailor today. Visit the company’s website, or call (212) 593-1925.
