
Keeping your home or office cool during the summer and warm during the winter can get expensive. It doesn’t have to, though. By taking certain steps, like installing custom solar shades, you can significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs throughout the year. With the right tools and knowledge, you’ll stay comfortable without breaking the bank.

5 Ways To Save On Cooling & Heating Service

1. Focus On Warm Clothes

Turning your thermostat down just a few degrees can make a big difference. Instead of trying to keep your house warm enough for a t-shirt in the winter, set it so you can comfortably wear a sweater.

2. Install Custom Solar Shades

Custom solar shades, typically provided by window treatment professionals, are designed to limit the amount of UV rays entering your home. This keeps it cooler during the summer.

3. Don’t Block Your Vents

custom solar shades You may be surprised how many items in your home could be blocking airflow from your vents, making it seem as if your heating and cooling system isn’t working efficiently. Check throughout your house to see if this is the case, moving any items that appear to be blocking a vent.

4. Use Nature

Mother Nature can still play a huge role in keeping your home comfortable. During the winter, stay warm by opening up the shades and blinds to let the sun’s rays in. During the summer, use a window treatment to keep them out.

5. Caulk Windows

Before winter arrives, make sure you’ve fully caulked your windows to keep the cold air out of your home.

To learn more about how custom solar shades and other window treatments can help you save money, get in touch with the team at Michael Herr & Company, in Cincinnati, OH. They’ll walk you through your options, so you can decide what’s best for you. Click here for more information or call (513) 260-3217.