
When someone is negligent and injures you, they may admit their fault and settle your claim without being sued, but sometimes the only way to get the compensation you deserve is to file a lawsuit. At New York’s Stephen B. Kaufman, P.C., the experienced Bronx personal injury attorney represents injured individuals and often discusses when to pursue and when not to pursue personal injury lawsuits.

Usually, automobile accidents with little or no property damage do not merit legal action. This is also true if the injuries are minor cuts, bruises, whiplash, or soft tissue injuries with minimal medical expenses and low or no lost wages.

However, here are other points Attorney Kaufman examines to help clients decide when to file a lawsuit for their personal injury claims.

  • Insurance Company Refuses To Settle: When an insurance company is handling the claim, as in automobile accidents, the company’s adjuster may refuse to settle the case, especially if the fault is in dispute.
  • Personal InjuryLow Final Settlement Offers: Insurance adjusters, uninsured individuals, or defense attorneys may make final settlement offers that are far too low for the injuries and losses suffered.    
  • Statute Of Limitations Is Running: The period within which a lawsuit must be filed is the statute of limitations. When the statute of limitations is about to end, and claims are not resolved, personal injury attorneys file lawsuits to protect their clients’ rights to continue pursuing their claims. New York’s statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits, such as in automobile accidents, is three years from the date of injury.  

Bronx personal injury attorney Stephen B. Kaufman, P.C. offers wise counsel to individuals with personal injury claims. Attorney Kaufman works hard to negotiate settlements, help clients decide whether to file suit, and represent them in court. Whether you have a new injury or are near the end of your statute of limitations, count on Attorney Kaufman to devote his time and experience to you so that you can make the best decisions for your situation.

Call Bronx attorney Stephen B. Kaufman, P.C. at (718) 822-0500 today to arrange your consultation appointment. Visit this New York firm’s website for more about their services, like them on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter.
