
Infertility refers to the inability of a couple to become pregnant. It encompasses all aspects of the conception process and can describe difficulties in both men’s and women’s reproductive organs—or a combination of both. Infertility treatment options are available for many of these issues at Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute. 

Honolulu’s infertility specialists are here to describe the different types of infertility along with some of the most common causes:

  • Decreased Ovulation (Egg Production): Most women’s infertility problems stem from decreased ovulation, which can often be recognized through irregular menstruation. There are many causes for decreased ovulation, and they include blocked fallopian tubes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and uterine issues—for which there are some infertility treatment options. In addition to genetic disposition (i.e. PCOS), certain habits will negatively affect ovulation, including stress, weight fluctuation, poor diet, smoking, and heavy drinking. Women can also become infertile because of certain STIs.

  • infertility specialistPoor Sperm Count Or Quality: There are many causes for insufficient sperm count, shape, speed, and other issues that affect a sperm’s ability to reach an egg. These problems can result from age, genetic issues, recent illnesses, or injuries. Lifestyle habits will also affect sperm production, including drinking, smoking, and drug use. Certain medical treatments have also been linked to decreased fertility in men, including chemotherapy.

  • Obstructed Fertilization: Sometimes infertility has nothing to do with the sperm or eggs themselves and instead has more to do with physical blockages and obstructions. For example, endometriosis is a condition in which the uterine lining reaches outside the uterus – an often painful condition which may also block incoming sperm. Sperm can also be blocked from within the man’s body. Even after a sperm is able to unite with an egg, conception can still be hindered if the fertilized egg is unable to attach to the uterine lining.

To learn about which infertility treatment options are right for you or your partner, reach Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute for your initial exam by calling (808) 946-2226. You can also reach the Honolulu infertility specialists online.
