
No matter how many times in your life you’ve lost a loved one, navigating the grieving process is never easy. But for kids, many of whom may be experiencing grief for the first time, the process can be especially difficult.

For parents wondering how to talk to their kids about grief, Arndt Funeral Home—one of the most trusted funeral homes in Rochester, New York—offers a few pointers below.

5 Tips From Funeral Home Professionals For Talking To Kids About Grief

Speak Simply & Frankly

funeral-services-Rochester-NYIt’s tempting to sugarcoat difficult subjects for kids, but that doesn’t mean doing so helps them. Prepare yourself to speak matter-of-factly and openly when you approach the subject with your kids, even if it’s hard for you.

Answer Their Questions

As important as it is to state facts plainly, it may be even more important to openly answer the questions they ask. No matter how their feelings take shape, make sure your kids know they can count on you to not keep them in the dark about anything

Listen & Encourage

Don’t push your child to talk, but make sure they know you’re willing to listen if they need to. Encourage them to put feelings into words whenever they have them, and support them.

Let Them Take A Break

Children may prefer to grieve in cycles, and it can take a while for facts to set in. Don’t push them to talk, and let them take a break from talking about it whenever they need.

Let Them Know What To Expect From Funeral Services

Especially if your kids haven’t been to a funeral before, prepare them ahead of time for what it will be like. They may be meeting friends of the departed and visiting a funeral home for the first time. Remind them that a funeral can be a celebration of life, and that they can take the opportunity to hear joyful stories about their departed loved one.

If you’ve recently lost a loved one and need to arrange funeral services in the Rochester area, turn to Arndt Funeral Home. Visit their website to find out more, or call (585) 225-6350 today to give your loved one the celebration of life they deserve.
