
The holiday season is a great opportunity to enjoy family, free time, and good food, but it is also notorious for derailing healthy eating habits. While there’s no harm in treating yourself every once in a while, going overboard on indulgences can lead to illness and dental issues.

At Anchorage, AK’s Family First Dentistry, a respected team of dentists shares three tips for maintaining healthy eating habits during the holidays, so you don’t end up nursing cavities on New Year’s Day:

  • Exercise Portion Control: Who can resist a slice of pie, creamy mashed potatoes, or roast ham during the holidays? There’s no need to deprive yourself of holiday traditions, especially if you only get the chance to enjoy them once a year. Rather than skipping out entirely, partake in meals with a reasonable serving size. A nutritionist, or even some independent research, can remind you what small and smart portions look like, so you can enjoy a little bit of everything without going overboard.
  • Watch Sugar Intake: Whether at office parties or family dinners, dessert seems to be everywhere during the holidays. While it can be tempting to dig into everything, too much sugar can be detrimental to your waistline, blood sugar levels, and oral health, encouraging cavities in your teeth. As a helpful trick, dentists suggest chewing on a piece of sugarless gum with xylitol before or after your meal. The gum will help curb you from overindulging, and the chewing will release saliva, which can protect your teeth and gums from plaque buildup.
  • dentistMaintain Your Dental Care Routine: Along with staying active, it’s important to stick to your teeth cleaning habits throughout the holidays. Neglecting to brush and floss twice a day can be a recipe for cavities—a painful and inconvenient experience when you’re trying to enjoy your time off. As a bonus, brushing and flossing after meals will send a signal to your brain that you’re full, discouraging you from going back to that buffet table for seconds.

Take care of your teeth so you can enjoy the holidays to the fullest! For more on healthy dental habits, or to schedule an appointment with a trusted family dentistry clinic, contact Family First Dentistry at (907) 562-2820 today. For more information, visit the website.
