
Any experienced disability attorney will tell you that the majority of initial applications for Social Security disability benefits are denied. However, that doesn’t mean yours has to be! The team at Sanders Austin & Flanigan in Princeton, WV, will do everything in their power to help you get approved for benefits the first time you apply.

3 Disability Attorney-Approved Tips For Getting SSDI Benefits

1. Get A Statement From Your Doctor

If you are applying for SSDI benefits for the first time, a supportive statement from your doctor may not significantly strengthen your case. However, if your case makes it to the hearing level, you might get a different reaction. Make sure your doctor’s statement details the ways your condition prevents you from working and employs objective medical evidence to support such claims.

2. Be Open & Honest About Your Condition

disability attorney Disclosing your medical history to total strangers may be challenging, but if you want to qualify for benefits, you will need to be honest at every level of the application or appeal process. Additionally, do not be afraid to discuss any psychiatric conditions you may have, especially if they inhibit you from leading a comfortable lifestyle.

3. Consider Hiring A Lawyer

Filing an appeal for SSDI benefits is a complicated process, and even minor mistakes on the application could prevent you from getting the benefits you deserve. The best attorney you can hire is one who understands all of the local laws regarding SSDI and who makes you feel at ease—even when discussing uncomfortable topics.

If your SSDI application was denied, a disability attorney from Sanders Austin & Flanigan in Princeton, WV, will gladly assist you in filing an appeal. Visit their website to learn more about their areas of practice, or call (304) 425-8125 to schedule a consultation with a compassionate lawyer today. 
