
Even if your pet seems healthy, the trained eye of a vet can spot early warning signs of health issues — even before you or your pet may notice them. The professional team at Cat & Dog Hospital of Columbia in Columbia, MD, carefully examines each animal brought in for a regular exam, as these crucial visits keep your furry friend healthy for life.

To help pet owners understand what an animal doctor looks for during a regular visit, the team has provided some helpful info:

5 Things A Vet Checks During An Exam

1. General Pet Health

vetEither the doctor or a technician will discuss your pet’s health records with you, including any vaccinations that need to be administered. You’ll also go over preventative pet care measures, such as heartworm prevention and flea and tick treatment.

2. Temperature

Like humans, an animal’s body temperatures is an effective indicator of wellness. Dog and cat temperatures range between 101 and 102.5 degrees, so if your pet has a fever, the vet will look into the matter further.

3. Skin & Coat

Your pet’s coat should be shiny and thick. If it’s brittle or coarse, it could point to an underlying health issue. Likewise, if an animal’s skin is flaky or greasy, it could mean something is wrong. Animals experience allergies, too, but their symptoms tend to be skin-related. The doctor will provide an accurate diagnosis by looking at any other possible symptoms as well.

4. Ears, Nose & Mouth

Your pet’s orifices say a lot about their overall health. Their ears and nose should be clean and healthy, and any gum or tooth-related issues can also be spotted by examining the mouth.

5. Internal Health

The vet will listen to your pet’s heart, feel their abdomen, and check their limbs to ensure everything looks, sounds, and feels right.

To schedule your pet for their next regular exam, call Cat & Dog Hospital of Columbia at (410) 995-6880, or visit their website to learn more. You can also like their Facebook page for regular updates from the practice.
