
Mulch is one of the most commonly overlooked gardening products, but it plays an essential role. Mulch is a layer of shredded bark, bark chips, or pine straw that is placed over your garden or flower beds to stave off weeds, keep soil moist and cool, and improve the overall health of your plants. Lakeview Garden Center & Landscaping in Fairfield, OH, provides expert landscaping and gardening services, and their professionals know how to make your outdoor space lush and vibrant.

5 Reasons To Use Mulch For Gardening

1. It Prevents Weeds From Germinating

Mulch smothers small weeds and prevents sunlight from reaching weed seeds. By thwarting the ability of weeds to germinate and reproduce, mulch will save you from spending time and money removing them in the future.

2. It Improves The Health Of Your Soil

Soil covered by a layer of mulch will stay moist and cool. Mulch enriches soil with organic material as it breaks down to help your garden thrive.

3. It’s Inexpensive yet Effective

Fairfield-OH-gardeningMulch is a low-cost gardening product and even can be obtained for free. Depending on the plants in your lawn or garden, you may opt for store-bought mulch such as shredded bark, straw, or pine needles. However, if you have a substantial amount of grass clippings or dried leaves on your property, you may use these materials for mulch as well.

4. It Improves Your Yard’s Appearance

Many people choose to purchase shredded bark or pine straw for mulch because these materials provide an aesthetically pleasing contrast to plants and flower beds.

5. Maintenance Is Easy

Mulch should be applied in a 2-inch layer, “fluffed” monthly to ensure dryness, and changed when it begins to decompose. It should be kept a few inches from tree bark and wood sliding to avoid rot. Other than that, mulch requires little maintenance.

To purchase gardening products such as mulch, soil, or fertilizer, turn to Lakeview Garden Center & Landscaping in Fairfield, OH. Visit their website to learn more about their services, including landscaping design and hardscape installation, and call (513) 829-6624 to speak with a gardening expert.
