
When reading a brilliant novel, have you ever wondered, “how did the author come up with this?” If so, you’re not alone. In an attempt to find the source of this elusive inspiration, let’s start by taking a look at some of the greats.

novelLegend has it that J.R.R. Tolkien randomly wrote down “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit,” before he even knew what form the creature would take. Soon, The Hobbit was born. Meanwhile, L. Frank Baum concocted much of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz while telling his sons a story. George Orwell was watching a young boy directing a large horse cart when he began to wonder what would happen if animals became aware of their own strength. The world soon found out in 1945, when Animal Farm was published.

As every novelist knows all too well that books don’t write themselves. While light bulbs of inspiration are entirely possible (and perfectly romantic-sounding), developing an idea requires concentration and creativity. To facilitate this, some authors may write down everything that comes to mind. Whether it’s tidbits about their day or a random question, these seemingly mindless thoughts may develop into something much larger. Others might take a walk while closely examining the people and environment around them. You never know when inspiration may strike, so many novelists recommend carrying around a notebook and pen at all times.

Whether you’re observing an intriguing interaction among strangers or suddenly have an epiphany while staring up at the clouds, capture these ideas in as much detail as possible while they’re still fresh. Many writers find their inspiration embedded in real life experiences, which is part of what makes reading their stories so powerful.

Looking for a good book to read? Check out Steps Ordered by Dr. Merriel M. Chase, an up-and-coming author from San Antonio, TX. Check out her website to learn more about her inspiration for the riveting novel or purchase a copy.
