
Although highly dangerous, kidney disease is difficult to detect. Because of this, the staff at Mt. Auburn Nephrology in Cincinnati, OH, understand why some patients are reluctant to believe they need kidney disease treatment. But the earlier the diagnosis of kidney disease, the more effective the treatment is. Fortunately, there are a few ways for doctors and patients to identify the onset of kidney disease. 

The following are three signs you may need kidney disease treatment:

  • Change In Urine: One of the first signs of kidney trouble is a change in your urination. You’ll notice yourself having to urinate more often and produce less than normal. You may also note a change in color, smell, and consistency.
  • Protein In Urine: During a routine physical, your doctor will check for blood in your urine. If you have kidney damage, there will be a leak of protein in your sample. Your doctor will see this as a sign of kidney disease.
  • kidney disease treatmentBack Pain: It’s easy to mistake kidney pain for lower back pain. But if the pain is accompanied by dizziness, headaches, or loss of appetite, it could signal kidney trouble. Visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis.

If any of the above problems sound familiar or if you have any questions about kidney disease treatment, don’t hesitate to contact Mt. Auburn Nephrology of Cincinnati, OH. Visit their website to learn about all of their services, or schedule an appointment for a kidney function test by calling (513) 841-0222.
