
Sealcoating an asphalt parking lot protects it from sun damage and a slew of other harms. This paving technique seals small cracks, conceals patches and rough spots, enhances traffic line visibility, and improves the overall appearance of your asphalt surface. When you need to sealcoat your asphalt parking lot or driveway, rely on Double Diamond Contracting, the paving company proudly serving Flathead Valley for over 15 years. 

Sealcoating provides protection of your parking lot in numerous ways:

  • Sun Damage: The sun dries out the binders and oils in asphalt, making it a brittle surface highly susceptible to cracking and other damage. Shield your asphalt parking lot from the sun’s rays with quality sealcoating.

  • sealcoatingWater Damage: Protect asphalt from water via sealcoating, as rain and snow easily seep through asphalt pores. The water freezes and expands to form cracks and stresses in the asphalt. 

  • Oil, Gas, & Salt: Keep your asphalt sealed from vehicle oil and gas, as well as road salt. All three seep through and degrade asphalt, resulting in binder breakdown and a brittle surface. A fuel spill eats through the first three inches of asphalt in a 48-hour time frame.

  • Oxidation: Seal your asphalt against the damaging effects of oxygen exposure. Continual exposure to oxygen and sunlight fades your asphalt from black to gray. Oxidation generally occurs when asphalt reacts with air and moisture, decreasing pavement flexibility and causing binders to dry out and crack.

  • Heavy Vehicle: Keep up with asphalt sealcoating to protect your parking lot from vehicle weight. Heavy vehicles cause oxidized asphalt to quickly crack and break down.

Keep your asphalt parking lot looking great and extend its lifespan with a fresh sealcoating application from Double Diamond Contracting. The Kalispell business specializes in pothole repair, snow removal, and asphalt resurfacing. Learn more about sealcoating and other services by calling (406) 755-8853 or contacting the paving company online.
