
A sunroom is a great addition to any home: Not only does it increase your residence’s square footage, it also provides a great place to relax and enjoy your backyard inside your house. Decks Unlimited in Ozark, AL, specializes in home renovations and additions, including custom decks, patio enclosures, and carports. With 16 years of experience, these experts will help you improve the appearance and value of your property.

Their specialists say achieving the perfect sunroom design is easy if you know which home features to focus on. When planning your sunroom, here are five elements to consider:

  • sunroomComfort: It’s important to provide cozy seats, throw pillows, and furnishings to make the room relaxing. Remember: It’ll be hard to enjoy your sunny retreat if the furniture isn’t comfortable to sit on.
  • Dining Table: You can also transform your sunroom into a second dining room by adding a table. It’ll be perfect for soaking in the early morning sun while having breakfast or for hosting family gatherings.
  • Temperature Control: As your sunroom can get humid during the summer months, investing in quality shades or curtains is a good idea. Consider installing a ceiling fan to keep the place cool and comfortable during the hot weather. A fireplace is ideal for when the temperature drops.
  • Entertainment Features: If you're the type of person who loves to throw parties, consider using your sunroom as an entertainment spot. You can put out board games or install an entertainment system to delight your guests.
  • Large Windows: What are sunrooms without large floor-to-ceiling windows? Choose high-quality glass windows and doors to give your sunroom a cheerful atmosphere and let in more natural light.

If you’re thinking of adding a sunroom to your home, trust Decks Unlimited to help you create the perfect design. They take pride in their craftsmanship and value customer satisfaction, which is why they offer a lifetime warranty on all their work. Ask for a quotation online or call them today at (334) 232-1020 for more details.
