
Local food in Hawaii is heavily influenced by the region’s diverse cultural history of immigration. Early Polynesian settlers brought indigenous plants and animals to the region, and over time Native Hawaiians made sugarcane, sweet potatoes, coconuts, and taro local staples.

The real genesis of what we recognize as local food in Hawaii today was made possible by the infusion of immigrant workers from Portugal, the Philippines, China, Japan, Korea, and Puerto Rico in the 19th and 20th centuries. This melting pot of cultures combined to create food unique to the area based on new flavors and textures.

How Local Food Is Represented In Hawaii Today

The movement to eat local food has gained widespread popularity from those looking for fresh ingredients that are responsibly sourced. For restaurants in Maui, serving local food isn’t something to do because it’s trendy — it’s simply a tradition. According to Plantation Grindz in Kahului, HI, signature Hawaiian dishes have become the food of choice on the island for people looking for authentic dining options.

local foodAccording to Plantation Grindz, there are a handful of traditional Hawaiian cuisines you need to try if you want to eat like a local. Loco moco is the perfect place to start for hungry restaurant goers seeking real local food from the area. Consisting of a hamburger steak and egg over a bed of rice, this Hawaiian classic is covered with a rich gravy.

Local food and Spam® are also synonymous in Hawaii. This restaurant staple is frequently incorporated with scrambled eggs and rice for a filling, savory breakfast. It is also a popular ingredient in lunch and dinner dishes as well.

Plate lunches are another signature Hawaiian dish that consists of two scoops of rice, macaroni salad, and meat. Different restaurants infuse their dishes with ingredients like beef teriyaki, chicken katsu, and Korean barbecue.

Local food is all about pairing the culture of Hawaii with its native ingredients. Check out Plantation Grindz to see a favorite in Maui serving up local food at a great price. Give them a call at (808) 873-3663 for more information on all of their Hawaiian classics. You can find the local restaurant on Facebook.
