
Anger triggers are all around us: someone cuts you off in traffic, or a rude cashier slams your eggs in a grocery bag. Lashing out is typically the immediate response, but there are ways to take control of the emotion. White Spruce Counseling in Rochester, NY, offers effective anger management techniques designed to help the respondent take the high road and diffuse heated situations.

The next time you feel compelled to react with anger, consider the following tips to redirect furious feelings:

  • Pause & Breathe: Take a few seconds to pause and take in a few deep breaths. The delayed reaction will help calm you down and give you more time to think about how you want to respond constructively.
  • Assess The Situation: It’s understandable to look at a situation from your own point of view. However, try to look at the matter from the other person’s point of view. Could the person involved be having a bad day or did the driver genuinely not see you from their blind spot?anger management
  • Use The Golden Rule: It’s a common anger management method: treat others the way you want to be treated. Even if the person involved is wrong, think about how they would react if the roles were switched.
  • Argue Constructively: Disagreements are fine. Avoid bullying, name-calling, passive-aggressive comments and other behaviors that belittle the person you’re having an argument with. Make the conversation’s goal to listen and respect different opinions.
  • Celebrate The Benefits: By curbing your anger, some of the outcomes are living a more fruitful life and having stronger and happier relationships. Anger is also tied to physical health issues; eliminate these concerns by taking control.

The team of professional and compassionate therapists at White Spruce Counseling offer a variety of anger management techniques to get ahead of potentially fired-up scenarios. Working with proactive measures, you’ll learn ways to diffuse, walk away, and address the matter at a more peaceful time.

To learn more about anger management help, call White Spruce Counseling today at (585) 424-2436 to schedule a private appointment. Visit the website for additional information on mental health and domestic violence counseling.
