
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s a great time to schedule preventative OBGYN services like mammograms and pap smears. According to the American Cancer Society, 12% of women in the United States will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. If you want to discuss your risk factors for developing breast cancer, turn to Thameside ObGyn Centre in Groton, CT, and read on to learn more about the importance of regular mammograms.

What Is A Mammogram?

A mammogram is a type of breast obgyn servicesexam that can detect the early signs of breast cancer. It’s a noninvasive procedure that uses x-rays to produce pictures your doctor will then examine for any signs of abnormal growth.

Why Do I Need A Mammogram?

Some women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than others; however, all women will benefit from annual mammograms starting at the age of 40. A mammogram can detect cancer before you even notice symptoms, and, in general, the earlier you find cancer, the easier it will be to treat. Regular OBGYN services like mammograms can identify changes in the breast tissue up to two years before the patient physically notices any changes, and early detection could mean less invasive treatment.

What Are The Signs Of Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer does not usually manifest symptoms in its early stages; that’s why regular mammograms are so important. As a tumor grows, symptoms might include a lump in the underarm or breast that persists after menstruation, a marble-like lump under the skin, armpit swelling, excessive tenderness or pain in the breast, or a change in the size or contour of the breast.

You can perform self-exams at home, but only a mammogram will reveal what’s actually under the skin. If you are overdue for a mammogram, turn to Thameside ObGyn Centre in Groton, CT.  Visit their website to learn more about the various OBGYN services they offer, including high-risk pregnancy care and gynecology surgery, and call (860) 445-5107 to make an appointment today.
