
Proper dental care for your kids involves regular visits with the dentist, but the question is, when should you schedule the very first one? According to the dedicated staff of Honolulu, HI’s children’s dentistry practice, Pediatric Dental Group, the consensus in the field is that children should be taken in for their first visit by their first birthday, within three months of their first tooth erupting. During this critical juncture, the baby dentist assesses how teeth are developing, keeps an eye out for issues and educates both parent and child about proper hygiene habits.

Still, kids often become nervous about the appointment, which is why these pediatric dentistry professionals have the following tips for getting them into the dental chair:

  • Talk to them: The single most important thing you can do to ensure your child is ready is to talk to them. That said, there’s a right and wrong way to do it. Leave out any details that could be scary and emphasize the positive; never say the words “shot,” “hurt” or “pain” when describing what the dentist does. Bringing up the dentist during story time and explaining that this person is helpful and a friend is one good way to ease anxiety.dentistry-pediatric dentistry-baby dentist
  • Playtime: Some have had success taking on dental fear by playing “dentist” with their children. You can create a pretend office and establish a special chair for patients. Take turns giving each other “examinations” so that your child has an idea of the patient to professional dynamic. You can also do dental work on stuffed animals together. In terms of conversations, stay upbeat at all times.
  • Role Modeling: Kids are very intuitive and they pick up on things that you may not even realize you’re projecting. This is often the case with the fear of the dentist; in fact, recent studies confirm that this anxiety is passed from parent to child. If your dentist is willing, you can even bring your child in to sit with you while you get work done; your child is less likely to be scared if they know that you aren’t.

The sooner you’re able to establish a healthy dental care regimen, the better off you’ll be. Families in the Cincinnati area bring their little ones to Pediatric Dental Group for their first appointments, and you should too; the staff here is uniquely qualified to work with children of all ages.

Learn more about baby’s first dental visit, and all of the services we offer. For scheduling, call this caring team at (808) 593-8828.    
