
Most people know how important it is to tell your doctor about lifestyle choices like smoking cigarettes. Similarly, there are essential dental care facts you should share with your dentist. Tohill Dentistry in Somerset, KY, wants you to have the best experience with every visit, so they share expert insight on what your dentist needs to know about your oral care habits.

3 Dental Care Details Your Dentist Needs

1. Dental Care Routine

Be honest with your dentist about your daily dental care routine. Do you brush after every meal? Do you skip flossing regularly? Do your gums bleed when you floss? Sharing information about your oral health regimen will allow your dentist to help you improve subpar habits. 

2. Dry Mouth, Diabetes, Or Other Health Issues

Somerset-KY-oral-hygieneIf you suffer from a dry mouth, inform your dentist. A lack of saliva can contribute to plaque buildup on your teeth and gums, putting you at greater risk for cavities and disease. Your dentist can recommend solutions like a special low-alcohol mouth rinse. Additionally, let your dentist know if you suffer from chronic health problems. Conditions like diabetes may increase your risk of oral infections.

3. Overall Dental History

Be honest about your dental history. Even if you haven’t been to the dentist in a few years and are embarrassed to admit it, you still should tell your dental care provider. Your dentist is there to help you, and the more information you provide about your dental history, the better they will do their job. From how recently you chipped a tooth to your age when you had your wisdom teeth removed, the more information you give your dentist, the better.

If you are searching for a dental care expert in the Somerset, KY, area, trust the professionals at Tohill Dentistry. Their family-run business offers top-quality dentistry services in a welcoming, friendly environment where you will feel at ease sharing dental care details. Visit their website to find out more about their services, including preventative and cosmetic dentistry, and call (606) 679-4450 to make an appointment. Check their Facebook page for updates about their practice.


