
Business cards have long been an effective way to make sure clients remember your enterprise. However, to make your name truly stand out, it pays to individualize your card with the finish of your choice. With help from a professional printing company, your business cards are guaranteed to make a lasting impression.

How Finishes Make Business Cards More Effective

The expert staff of Maui Print Works understands that creating effective business cards is more than just printing your name, title, and contact information on a small rectangle that you occasionally pass out to passerby. With a glossy finish, you can pull out a card that shines—a surefire way to catch the eager eyes of potential customers.

business cardsEmbossing, on the other hand, gives your card a smooth texture that’s pleasant to touch and hold. It’s a subtle way to stand out. Additionally, the textured paper helps to differentiate your business cards when placed next to those of your competitors. Interested in unconventional shapes and materials? Ask your local print shop about custom design work to create a set of cards that reflect your individuality.

Deciding which of these finishes is best suited to your business depends on the type of enterprise you run, the work you do within it, and the personal values you uphold. If you can stay true to your vision, your business cards will undoubtedly stand out.

No matter what line of work you’re in, you understand the importance of demonstrating what makes you different from your competitors. The right business card finish will help you achieve that goal.

If you need business cards that grab attention, get in touch with the printing experts at Maui Print Works, in Wailuku, HI, to discuss your project today. Contact their team online for more information, or call (808) 242-6634 to speak with a friendly staff member.
