
Some candies, such as sugar-free gum and lollipops, stimulate saliva production and help protect your teeth from decay. However, many candy options are ruthless towards your pearly whites. If you’re not sure which candies are the worst offenders, allow the friendly dental care team at Randall S. Cislo, DMD to enlighten you. This respected local dentist and his talented staff have provided outstanding dental services from Kamuela, HI, since 1986, continuously offering the restorative and cosmetic dentistry services that result in dazzling smiles.

This fall, take care of your teeth by avoiding the following list of candies:

  • Chewy Or Sticky Candies: Candies such as caramel and gummies can easily get stuck between your tooth crevices. The mouth’s natural cleaning mechanism, saliva, has no chance of washing these stubborn particles away. Over time, the bacteria in plaque work with lingering sugar particles to produce decay-causing care
  • Hard Candies: As hard candies take their time dissolving in the mouth, they coat teeth with sugar and promote plaque formation. Additionally, small pieces of hard candy can get wedged between tooth crevices, resulting in further damage.
  • Sour Candies: Sour candies are extremely acidic and contribute to the breakdown of tooth enamel. Many are of the hard or sticky variety, causing a residue to stick to teeth long after the candy has been ingested. If you consume sour candies or any other acidic foods or liquids, wait 30 minutes before performing your dental care routine. Saliva will restore the mouth’s acid balance during this time.

Avoid these sweet treats as much as possible this holiday season, and if you do consume them, floss and drink water to help flush sticky particles away. To further maintain a healthy, beautiful smile, call Dr. Randall S. Cislo, DMD at (808) 885-8617 to schedule twice-yearly dental exams and teeth cleanings. For more information on available dental care services, visit the website.
