
Cold weather is on the way, and winters in Ohio and Kentucky can be frigid. Reading Heating & Air Conditioning, the leading HVAC contractor in Cincinnati, OH, wants to help you reduce your heating bills this winter with the energy-saving tips below. They have been serving the region for more than 70 years, specializing in furnace installation and heating repair services.

5 Energy-Saving Tips From An HVAC Contractor

Seal Leaks

Gaps around utility cut-throughs, where gas and plumbing pipes enter your house, will let in cold air and allow warm air to escape. Check these areas, as well as recessed lighting fixtures and your chimney, for spaces that need to be sealed.

Apply Weather Stripping To Doors

Freezing air can seep through cracks around exterior doors. Adding weather stripping is an affordable way to block cold air and keep your furnace from working overtime.

Caulk & Cover Windows

Cincinnati-OH-HVAC-contractorOlder windows are another source of energy loss, so apply caulk to seal gaps between the frames and glass. If you have single-paned windows, which are less energy-efficient than double-paned windows, cover them with plastic sheeting for an extra layer of insulation.  

Lower Thermostats

While you’re home, set your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature. When you are away or sleeping, lower the temperature by 10 degrees to save on utility bills.

Other Cost-Saving Strategies

There are other easy ways to conserve energy this winter. Shut your flue when your fireplace isn’t in use, and install insulating drapes. Reduce the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees. When you decorate for the holidays, use energy-efficient LED lights.

Reading Heating & Air Conditioning, the leading HVAC contractor in Cincinnati, OH, will help you stay warm and save money this winter. They have the experience and expertise to tackle any job quickly and affordably. Visit their website to learn more about their heating products and maintenance services. Call (513) 821-1633 to speak with a knowledgeable professional about your heating repair needs.
