
When you live in an older home, it’s important to be extremely vigilant about the possibility your house may have some asbestos. Hiring professionals to help you with asbestos removal is the single best way of dealing with this worrisome scourge. Based in Cincinnati, OH, Rainbow Environmental Services has been the region’s leading home inspector since 1990. Whether you need mold testing or lead-based paint removal, the professionals are experienced with a wide array of different toxins. 

asbestos removalMost of the time, asbestos is impossible to see or smell. Instead of doing a thorough visual inspection on your own, the best way to address the possibility of asbestos is to use context clues to figure out if you may have it and then call in the experts at Rainbow Environmental Services for testing. While it may seem like a nuisance to deal with the issue, asbestos removal is crucial. If your asbestos ever becomes damaged in any way, it will enter the air and begin circulating. If inhaled, it could lead to lung disease and lung cancer. 

The most important factor in determining if your house might have asbestos is the year when it was built. If your home was constructed before 1980, there’s a good chance that asbestos was used. There are many places where it is likely to be, including around pipes, boilers, ductwork, roofing, and tiles. It’s not wise to get too close to these areas of your home if you have reason to suspect there may be some asbestos.

Once you reach out to the professionals, they can perform advanced testing to determine whether asbestos is present. Using Polarized Light Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy, the team will be able to provide you with a definitive answer. In the event that you do have asbestos, they will be able to safely remove it from your home. 

When it comes to the possibility of asbestos, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. For an inspection and asbestos removal, call Rainbow Environmental Services at (513) 624-6470. You can also read more about the company by checking out their website
