
Receding gums is an oral condition in which the gums pull back from the tooth surface, exposing the roots of the teeth. Common causes include poor oral hygiene, genetics, and aggressive brushing. Without treatment, receding gums may lead to tooth loss, so it’s important to see a dentist right away.

The usual symptoms of gum recession include pain, bleeding after brushing, loose teeth, and exposed roots. If you start to have these symptoms, drop by to see Charles P. Debbane, DDS and Laura M. Arnold, DDS in Hamilton, OH.

Below are dentist-approved tips for receding gums:

  • Brushing Habit: Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and develop the habit of brushing your teeth in a gentle manner, twice a day. Aggressive brushing will only scrub away vital tooth structure, making gum recession worse. Keep your toothbrush clean and change it every three to four months.
  • Night Guard: Grinding and clenching your teeth may worsen gum recession. It can damage gum tissue, wear out enamel, and loosen the teeth. Night guards can protect your teeth and gums from unnatural grinding by reducing the amount of strain.
  • dr-charles--debbane-dds-dentistOrthodontic Treatment: If you have misaligned teeth, cleaning them becomes harder. This can cause plaque to form, which will eventually cause gum disease and recession. Misalignment can also place excess force on your teeth that can injure surrounding structures.
  • Dental Cleanings: Even regular brushing is not enough for hardened plaque and hard-to-reach cavities. A dental hygienist uses special instruments to remove them. Have at least one or two professional dental cleanings scheduled every year.   
  • Food Choices: If you notice your gum line starting to recede, you need to re-evaluate your food choices carefully. Acidic drinks, such as wine, sodas, and juices, can injure the roots of your teeth and accelerate gum recession. If you can’t avoid them, drink water to buffer the acid.

For your oral care needs, seek the expertise of Charles P. Debbane, DDS and Laura M. Arnold, DDS. They also offer teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, and orthodontic treatments. Schedule an appointment by calling (513) 887-6654 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
