
A great smile is not just a matter of personal appearance; it’s also vital to your overall health. The dentists at Lincoln, NE’s Cherry Hill Dentistry believe everyone should understand the importance of good oral hygiene. They’d like to share several reasons why you should make good dental habits a top priority.

Strong teeth and healthy gums are essential to chew and digest meals. That’s because food particles contain microorganisms and glucose that contribute to the buildup of plaque and tartar. Over time, these substances will erode enamel, promote cavities, and inflame gum tissue. Without proper care, tooth decay and gum disease will eventually result.

Dentists--Lincoln, NEHowever, there are important daily habits that will keep dental problems at bay. The most important thing you can do is brush your teeth at least two or three times a day, especially following meals. Most dentists recommend using a soft-bristled brush and an ADA-approved toothpaste. 

Normally, it takes at least three minutes using a gentle back-and-forth or circular motion to give all your teeth a good scrubbing. In particular, pay attention to the spaces between the teeth and near the gum line. You should also brush your tongue, as this will help remove residual bacteria in your mouth. Finally, don’t forget to floss so you can dislodge food particles trapped between your teeth and above the gum line.

Good dental habits start at home, but regular teeth cleanings and checkups with your dentist are essential, too. To learn more about good oral hygiene and schedule an appointment with the finest team in Lincoln, NE, call Cherry Hill Dentistry at (402) 488-2383 or visit them online.
