
Commercial cleaning companies specialize in keeping businesses and organizations presentable and sanitary for guests, clients, and employees. Most companies offer a range of services, including carpet cleaning, floor cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and bathroom maintenance. By hiring a commercial cleaning company like Pioneer Janitorial Service in Live Oak, FL, you don’t have to hire anyone internally and can rest assured your facilities will always be spotless and organized.

Janitorial Services

commercial cleaningEvery week, you need someone to change out your trash cans and clean your bathrooms, but you just don’t have the time to handle it yourself. With janitorial services, you can customize your cleaning schedule based on your needs, and everything from dusting to sanitizing your sinks will be taken care of.

Window Cleaning

Many businesses hire a commercial cleaning service to do jobs they can’t complete themselves, like window cleaning. By hiring a commercial cleaning service, your windows will be crystal clear inside and out.

Floor Cleaning

Cleaning floors is an everyday task and requires having large equipment on hand. Whether you have carpets or tile flooring, a commercial cleaning service can bring their tools to your building during or after business hours to prepare for another day of work.

When the demands of managing a business leave you with no time to keep your building clean and sanitary, schedule a consultation with a commercial cleaning service to find a solution that works for you. In Live Oak, Pioneer Janitorial Services is the perfect option. Call them at (386) 362-3845 or view a complete list of services on their website.
