
If you’ve been suffering from severe chronic pain due to a joint injury, you may be a good candidate for replacement surgery. The team of physicians and orthopedic surgeons at Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester are dedicated to helping patients of all ages heal the pain that stems from sports injuries, accidents, and illnesses, including arthritis and progressive joint deterioration. This Rochester, NY, clinic features two X-ray suites that make it easy to receive same-day attention when you need it most, and the staff surgeons work with local hospitals to provide continuous care for patients undergoing joint replacement surgery. 

Joint injury replacement surgery provides much-needed relief for pain sufferers; but, as with any surgery, you will need to make some advanced preparations for your recovery period. The following tips can help simplify the recovery process:

  • joint injuryPrepare Your Home: Before your joint surgery, move furniture in your home to create wider walkways that can accommodate your limited mobility and assistive devices such as canes or walkers. You may also want to remove any area rugs or electrical cords that could become tripping hazards. Adding handrails and waterproof elevated seating to your bathroom can make toilet use and bathing more comfortable, especially if you are recovering from knee or hip replacement surgery.

  • Follow Doctor’s Recommendations: Your doctor may recommend purchasing some assistive devices before your procedure such as extendable grabbers, compression hose, and ice packs. After the surgery, your doctor may also advise buying crutches, a walker, or a cane. Carefully follow the instructions for any pain medication and at-home exercises you are prescribed.

  • Eat Well: Many people find that their appetite changes after joint injury surgery. In some cases, these changes are a side effect of pain medication. In other cases, the changes are due to the patient’s need for more rest. If you feel less hungry after your surgery, make sure you still get the energy you need by eating nutritionally balanced smaller meals and snacks. Calcium, vitamin C, and protein are all essential to proper recovery. Even if you are less active during your recovery, stay hydrated to prevent constipation and dry mouth.

Whether you’re suffering from joint injuries or foot pain, Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester can help. Visit the website to learn more about the services their experienced team of physicians and orthopedic surgeons offer, and call (585) 723-3000 to schedule an appointment today.
