
Your neck works hard every day to support the full weight of your head, which is about 12 pounds; it’s not surprising that you might wake up with neck pain or stiffness. But how do you know if you’ve just slept on your neck wrong of if there is a bigger problem? At Lincoln Chiropractic Center in Nebraska, Dr. Peter Wawers has experience offering patients quick and affordable neck pain relief.

Chiropractors offer neck adjustments that loosen up the joints and reduce pain caused by pinched nerves and muscle spasms. If you are experiencing neck pain, here are four times when you should see a chiropractor for neck pain relief:

  • Prolonged Pain: If you have neck pain or stiffness, and it doesn’t go away after a few days, you should see a chiropractor. Many things can cause neck pain, from poor posture to weak abdominal muscles, but chiropractic care combined with lifestyle adjustments can alleviate chronic neck pain.
  • Accident Or Injury: If you start experiencing neck pain a day or two after you are in a car accident, or you sustained an injury to the head or neck, book an appointment to see Neck Pain Reliefa chiropractor. A sudden forced movement of the head or neck, also known as whiplash, can cause muscles to tighten and contract, which results in pain and stiffness.
  • Medication Overuse: If you are taking pain medication every day to alleviate your neck pain, you should see a chiropractor. Instead of relying on medicine for neck pain relief, a chiropractor can treat your neck pain by putting the vertebrae back into alignment.
  • Numbness Or Tingling: When your neck pain transitions to numbness or tingling in your hands or wrists, it might be a sign that you have spinal stenosis. This causes the small nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, compressing nerve roots and causing neck pain and numbness. A chiropractor can manipulate these nerves, so they can function normally.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, make an appointment at Lincoln Chiropractic Center. A chiropractor will conduct a thorough examination of your neck and offer corrective exercises, lifestyle advice, and spinal and postural screenings that will provide you with neck pain relief. For more information, visit the website or call the best chiropractor in Lincoln, NE, at (402) 464-5567.
