
Cosmetology is a fun, reliable field with a steadily increasing demand. As such, many people find themselves wondering how to attain a fulfilling career as a cosmetologist. Today, the cosmetology school experts from Jupiter Beauty Academy in Boston, MA, explain how.

Enroll In & Complete Cosmetology School

Once you’re at least 16 years old, possess either a high school diploma or GED, and meet a few other basic requirements, you are ready to enroll in cosmetology school. Your total tuition may cost around $10,000, but often, beauty schools provide financial aid options to help support your education. In general, completing your education will take between nine to 15 months. While you’re there, you’ll receive both formal in-class training and plenty of hands-on experience, so by the time you’re finished, you’ll be ready for the real world.

Ace Your Licensing Exam

cosmetology schoolAfter you pass your classes, you’ll be ready to take your state’s licensing exam, in which you’ll answer written questions about a range of salon services, including makeup, skin care, and hair care. Fortunately, reputable schools like Jupiter Beauty Academy will aptly prepare you for the challenge.

Land Your Dream Job

Once you’ve passed your exam, you’re ready to seek the job you desire. From beauty salons to day spas and residential care homes, there are so many options to choose from. Many hairstylists are also self-employed, so consider what will work best for your unique needs and wishes. Often, professionals at the cosmetology school can support and guide you along the journey to employment.

For the support you need to succeed in your career, look no further than Jupiter Beauty Academy in Boston. From offering excellent accredited courses to helping you attain your cosmetology license, you will be prepared to excel in your industry. For more information, call (617) 288-1811 or visit the website
