
It’s no secret that once winter rolls around, furnaces will be working hard to keep homes in Connecticut warm. And while it’s easy not to give furnaces a second thought, Absolute Mechanical Systems — Central Connecticut’s leader in heating repair services — reminds homeowners to be on the lookout for rust.

Although furnaces do not use water, the combustible gases they run on can produce moisture that interacts with metal to create rust. Rust in a furnace can often be overlooked, especially if the damage is minimal. But over time, this small annoyance can become a big problem and lead to the need for expensive heating repairs.

If you find rust on your furnace, here are three reasons to have it assessed by a professional HVAC system contractor:

  • Carbon Monoxide Danger: If rust is visibly present on a furnace’s surface, there’s a chance it could also be building up on vital components that were designed to keep your household safe. Heat exchangers that experience corrosion can eventually crack and lead to carbon monoxide leaks that are poisonous and potentially fatal.
  • heating repairVentilation Problems: When rust buildup occurs, especially on newer furnaces, poor venting could be the cause. If you catch it early, a heating repair specialist can adjust the ventilation and help limit the source of rust.
  • Replacement Risks: If you target the source of rust before the problem grows too large, you could save yourself the high expense of a furnace replacement. Many times, only certain components are affected by rust — such as the flue pipe — and they can be replaced by a heating and air technician to restore the system. However, if rust isn’t addressed, your whole furnace can fall prey to corrosion and seize to function properly.

If you see any signs of corrosion or need furnace repair in Connecticut, call a heating and air professional at Absolute Mechanical Systems at (860) 621-1975. Well-versed in heating repair services, these specialists will assess the extent of furnace rust and help determine the best solution for your situation. For more, connect with the company on Facebook and Twitter.
