
While brushing your teeth is always important, it becomes even more so when you have braces. All of the appliances added to your teeth can increase the amount of food particles and other bacteria that become lodged in your teeth. For this reason, the orthodontists at Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics recommend all of their patients in Fairfield, OH, brush after every meal to avoid plaque buildup.

If you are currently wearing teen or adult braces, it’s important to know how to care for them in order to protect your teeth and ensure they are pearly white when it’s time for the hardware to come off. Here are a few care tips this orthodontist office suggests you follow:

  • Use A Proxabrush: In addition to gently brushing your teeth with a regular soft toothbrush, you should also use a proxabrush — or “Christmas tree” brush — to really get in between the braces. This brush is specially designed for people wearing braces, and it will make sure you get all the areas around your brackets and wiring your normal toothbrush might not be able to access.braces
  • Opt For Waxed Floss With An Orthodontic Threader: While normal floss is fine for teeth without braces, the stringy texture can easily get caught on your brackets. As it is incredibly important you floss every day while wearing braces, make it easy on yourself and purchase some waxed floss and an orthodontic floss threader. Combining these two allows you to effortlessly slip the floss over the wiring and between each tooth.
  • Avoid Hard & Chewy Foods: As long as you remember to cut your food into bite-sized pieces, there are not many things you cannot eat while wearing braces. However, extremely hard or chewy foods should be avoided. This includes items like apples, bagels, taffy, popcorn, and caramels. These food items could damage your braces or become jammed in your brackets, leading to plaque and tartar growth.

Whether you require teen or adult braces, the team at Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics will help. Contact them today by calling (513) 823-3143. You can also visit them online to learn more about the types of braces they offer. For regular updates and orthodontic tips, follow them on Facebook.
