
Like many aspects of your home, your septic tank will not always work the way it should. There will inevitably be a time when something goes wrong and the system needs repairs. This is why the team at Milledgeville, GA’s Martin's Septic Service emphasizes the importance of being able to identify these issues and knowing a little about them. The good news, though, is many of these common septic system problems are easy to prevent.

But what are some of the issues your home septic tank might encounter? How can you prevent them? Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Excess Water: When the septic tank ends up carrying more water than it should, solid waste is not able to break up effectively. This can lead to damaging blockages of the system, which is why it’s important to be careful about water consumption. Reduce use by installing low-flow toilets, doing laundry more gradually over the course of a couple days, or taking shorter showers.
  • Blockage: As common as this septic system problem is, it’s very preventable. Septic tank blockages usually occur because non-biodegradable items are flushed into the system. These will build up, causing liquid levels to rise and forcing solids into the distribution pipes. Basically, the only things that should be flushed into the system are human waste and toilet paper.
  • septic system problemsExcess Detergent: When you use too much laundry or dish detergent, phosphates are released, which can encourage the growth of algae inside your septic tank. This, in turn, can lead to a host of septic system problems, including damage to the tank as well as clogged distribution pipes. Prevent this by using liquid or gel soaps in dishwashers and washing machines.
  • Chemicals: As anyone who works in septic repair will tell you, never, ever dump chemicals into the system. This includes products like solvents, gasoline, brake fluid, paint thinners, and pesticides. These contaminants might end up in the surrounding leach fields, hindering plant growth and killing off the bacteria in the tanks that help break everything down.

Should any of these septic system problems arise—or if you just need septic pumping—it’s important to find a good team like the one at Martin’s Septic Service to work with. Learn more about this dedicated local business by checking them out online or by calling (478) 452-8272.    
