
Neck and back pain can be bad enough on their own, but when you consider the ways in which your body is compensating for the inflammation, there’s even more at stake. The compassionate professionals at Evergreen Pain Management & Rehabilitation in Sheffield Lake, OH, encourage all neck and back pain sufferers to seek out effective pain management solutions to get their bodies back on track and avoid further complications.

Should you allow your neck and back pain to persist, these are just a few of the compounded issues that can occur:

  • Poor Posture/Gait Issues: Acute and chronic pain in the back or neck can cause you to walk, stand, and sit in compromised positions. Compromising your posture or gait to limit neck and back pain can have a damaging impact on your spine, hips, and even the lower region of your body. 
  • pain management Sheffield Lake OHExercise Limitations: When you’re experiencing pain, the last thing you feel like doing is exercising. Many chronic back pain sufferers avoid exercise so they won’t exacerbate the issue causing discomfort, but that can lead to weight gain. Of course, carrying too much weight can cause further back pain, so it’s crucial to seek out a solution such as physical rehabilitation before your back pain leaves you unable to enjoy your favorite physical activities.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Being unable to do the things you once did regularly, including carrying groceries, taking walks, and even working, can lead to feelings of frustration and could potentially even contribute to depression. It’s important to treat your neck and back pain to maintain your mental well-being.

If you’ve been suffering from neck and back pain, you can take action and get on the road to recovery by visiting Evergreen Pain Management & Rehabilitation. To schedule a consultation with one of their caring professionals, call (440) 240-9111. You can also visit their website to learn more about their services.  
