
A clogged drain can quickly become a major problem if not fixed right away. It’s important to have a few drain cleaning tricks ready on short notice to eliminate the problem before it worsens. Withamsville Winnelson in Cincinnati, OH, has more than two decades of experience serving plumbing contractors and homeowners alike in their plumbing needs. Here, they offer a few professional tips for clearing out troublesome drains. 

5 Resourceful Drain Cleaning Tips

1. Boiling Water 

Some clogs can be fixed with little more than a pot of boiling water. Simply pour the boiling water into the drain in stages, allowing the hot liquid to loosen up whatever is clogging the pipe. After a few pours, check to see if the water is flowing freely. 

2. Baking Soda & Vinegar

drain cleaningBringing the tools of a child’s science fair volcano project to drain cleaning is a tried and true method. Simply mix equal parts white vinegar and baking soda and as it starts to fizz, pour it down the drain. Let it sit for a couple of hours or even overnight, then follow with hot water to flush out whatever is left. 

3. Plunger

Drain cleaning with a plunger is intuitive—just use it as you would on a toilet. Make sure the plunger forms a seal around the drain opening, and smoothly pump it to steadily build pressure and force the clog out. Don’t be too forceful as that could damage the pipes.

4. Wet/Dry Vac

Using a vacuum for drain cleaning is unconventional, but it works. Set a wet/dry vacuum for liquids and devise a tool to create an airtight seal around the sink opening. Try the head of an old plunger or a cup with a hole cut in the bottom. Then turn on the vacuum to suck the clog out.

5. Dish Detergent

If you suspect the clog is grease-based, dish detergent is an excellent tool. Pour it down the drain so it saturates the clog and let it sit for a few minutes. Once you think the grease-cutting action of the detergent has done its work, pour in hot water to wash the clog away. Be careful of backflow in the form of soap bubbles. 

If these tips don’t get it done, please contact Withamsville Winnelson so that we may direct you to a trained professional to properly remove your clog.  Contact Withamsville Winnelson at (513) 753-1121 or visit their website to see otherways they can serve you. Like them on Facebook for more information and to see their products in action.
